
Remember When

Remember When
We're we ever that young?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Market Watch

As most of you know the AAA badge collecting market is tight and prices have dropped for the more common badges. the "Boomer" badges are still the leading sellers

Pre-1940 badges are far and few in between these days and there are many more savy  collectors bidding and buying them. Overall prices on the "Boomer, Post 1940's badges" have dropped 25-30% and sometimes more. Corporal and Sergeant badges for the Boomers still in demand but not commanding the prices they use to bring last year. 

Service/Collar pins and their larger twins are becoming a hot item and selling for $8-13.00. Most buyers and sellers don't realize there are 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation pins. ( WE issued a ref/guide the last 3 years showing the difference, contact me and I'll send you a copy) All 1st gen are made in the USA. The 2nd and 3rd gen ( the AAA Oval) are all China made. I managed to pick up a complete set of 1st gen. for under $20 bucks. The Pins are an excellent (and inexpensive) way to collect something from your days as a kid. 

In case you haven't noticed, sellers are listing badges tht are rusty, dented and worn. Needless to say all China made badges will rust if not properly taken care of. They represent a major part of the AAA Safety Patrol History from the 1970's to present day. I bought and sold badges from 1921 without any special storage rust free. That is thew major differnce in USA GRAMMES, Allentown and Taiwan/China made. 


We're expecting our first pamphlet Guide to Collecting the AAA badges, pins and other memorabilia including a section on STATE and city issued badges. We're charging $2 for a printed copy and $1 online. Sorry, the info has been free for 8 years and costs keep going up.  Besides, how much is it worth to have a ref. guide when you're out at the garage sales this summer. 

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